Can we replace all Booleans with floats as well? The reasoning is two-fold: Bool and Boolean are named after George Boole, a white, straight, British male who lived in the 19th Century, the height of British and Western Colonialism and the oppression/genocide of people of color, i.e. everyone outside of Europe. Honoring him with a data type, let alone two, is an insult to aboriginal cultures everywhere. Boolean variables are forced to be "True" or "False", implying that anything can be identified as objectively true or objectively false. This is a heteronormative, imperialistic Western philosophy and is the root of all racism, sexism, classism, ageism, speciesism, Fascism, neurotypicalism. Non-European cultures believe that everything is some combination of True AND False, and as a result had no hatred, warfare, discrimination, poverty, or starvation until European Imperialists showed up.