Language is not one of my strong points . My understanding of the Russian (or any) language is so poor, that to attempt to communicate in Russian would be insulting. I have used various translation programs, but I have yet to find one which also does not insult the language. None the less, that does not diminish my love for studying the construction of the manned space fight programs envisioned by Vladimir Nikolay Chelomei. And when I saw the photograph on this forum of one of his Almaz space capsules (one that I didn't know existed, and which is of a slightly different design to his final design) I could not keep silent. This is a very exciting discovery for me! I am studying Russian, but as I alluded to earlier, the language center of my brain is an area that is still "under construction" Best Wishes, David L. Rickman a.k.a. "Capt. David"